- by Kapil Mishra

फिर क्या विस्मय, कौरव- पांडव भी नहीं धर्म के साथ रहे
दोनों ने कालिख धूमी, शीश पर जय का तिलक लगाने को
- by Kapil Mishra

जब लोभ सिद्धि का आँखों पर मांण्डी बन कर छ जाता है
तब वह मनुष्य से बड़े बड़े दुश्च्त्य कृत्य करवाता है
फिर क्या विस्मय, कौरव- पांडव भी नहीं धर्म के साथ रहे
जो रंग युद्ध का है उससे, उनके भी अलग न हाथ रहे
दोनों ने कालिख धूमी, शीश पर जय का तिलक लगाने को
सत्पथ से दोनों डिगे, दौड़ कर विजय- बिन्द तक जाने को
- Ramdhari Singh DinkarTrue we do not see any better alternative today. All political parties are corrupt to the core. With no vision for a better common future and no motivation to bring the desired positive change in the society, our present political leadership is driven only by one motive of gaining the POWER. But they are completely clueless on what to do with that power. POWER has become the ultimate goal instead of the medium to achieve desired socio economic changes.
No matter who comes to the POWER after upcoming general elections, we all know that nothing substantial is going to change.
Issues that are important to Our Nation, to our society are completely missing from the priority lists of present political leadership.
Nobody is talking about Health, Nobody is talking about Water and sanitation, nobody is talking about Education, Employment, and Women Empowerment...the list can go on.
The issues that are being presented as the CORE issues do not directly affect our common future, but all these issues do. Who cares?
Political Parties are all geared up to sell themselves as a commodity to the People of India in upcoming elections. Some are relying on Royal Families, some on Terror attacks and some on selective VOTE Banks to achieve their only goal- POWER or some share of it.
The only option left to those who are concerned is to take the lead. This is high time when we should "STOP BLAMING AND START CLAIMING".
This journey from blaming to claiming would start from our Active Participation in the Dance of Democracy. Active participation of all those who are concerned about our common future in Indian Politics is the only way to bring positive change in the Politics and through this in the society at large.
Active participation starts from developing basic understanding of the System, of our leadership and then VOTING for the best possible alternative.
This would just mark the beginning of the CHANGE.....our VOTE does matter, but only VOTE is not a way out. Lets pledge together to bring desired positive CHNAGE by ensuring Active Participation in the process of decision making. First STEP towards this would be To Vote.
No matter who comes to the POWER after upcoming general elections, we all know that nothing substantial is going to change.
Issues that are important to Our Nation, to our society are completely missing from the priority lists of present political leadership.
Nobody is talking about Health, Nobody is talking about Water and sanitation, nobody is talking about Education, Employment, and Women Empowerment...the list can go on.
The issues that are being presented as the CORE issues do not directly affect our common future, but all these issues do. Who cares?
Political Parties are all geared up to sell themselves as a commodity to the People of India in upcoming elections. Some are relying on Royal Families, some on Terror attacks and some on selective VOTE Banks to achieve their only goal- POWER or some share of it.
The only option left to those who are concerned is to take the lead. This is high time when we should "STOP BLAMING AND START CLAIMING".
This journey from blaming to claiming would start from our Active Participation in the Dance of Democracy. Active participation of all those who are concerned about our common future in Indian Politics is the only way to bring positive change in the Politics and through this in the society at large.
Active participation starts from developing basic understanding of the System, of our leadership and then VOTING for the best possible alternative.
This would just mark the beginning of the CHANGE.....our VOTE does matter, but only VOTE is not a way out. Lets pledge together to bring desired positive CHNAGE by ensuring Active Participation in the process of decision making. First STEP towards this would be To Vote.
"VOTE WE MUST" is a "Youth for Justice" Initiative-