Today our Environment and Forest Minister Shri Jai Ram Ramesh has declared upcoming Commonwealth games village on Yamuna River Bed as models of destruction. his statement marks a clear shift on stand of authorities and justifies YFJ stand on the issues.
Copy of Statement of Shri Jairam Ramesh, Min. of Environment and Forest

Our Thank you note and response to Shri Jairam Ramesh:-
Dear Sir
We are a New Delhi based Youth Action group “Youth for Justice” working with urban youth on issues related to Environment, Agriculture and various other spontaneous issues that need cognizance.
We are writing this letter to congratulate you and thank you for taking right stand on issues of encroachment on riverbed in the name of Commonwealth Games.
You statement in “Dainik Bhasker” national edition dated 6th June 2009, has sent a right message to the people who are concerned about various threats to our natural resources and environment and it has definitely boosted morale of groups and organizations that are struggling for the right cause.
Since August 2007, we have been raising these issues of illegal construction on Yamuna river bed in the name of games village, in fact we have organized a series of discussions, joint marches, candle light vigils etc. to raise public awareness on the issue. But some individuals in authority were keen on going ahead with the project despite clear the realization of the mistake done in choosing the venue and type of structure.
We have information on how this construction violets direction given by Honorable High Court and how it was allowed without required clearance from various authorities. This construction is also completely against the promise that we have made to international community while bidding for the Games.
We do understand that it is almost impossible to stop the construction or change the venue at this point in time but request you that those who are responsible for deliberately violating the norms should be brought to justice.
You have assumed the responsibility of this office at very critical stage, as a nation we are going through a phase of transition and large scale constructions and mega projects are order of the day. While such developmental projects are need of the hour at the same time we need to ensure that these projects do follow required norms and guidelines so that our environment and natural resources should be conserved.
We also seek an appointment with you so that we can share the information that we have on irregularities and violation of promises made by authorities while bringing the games to Delhi.
You have a great role to play and nation especially those who are concerned about our common future are looking at you.
Again we would like to thank you.
Looking forward to your response
Thanks and Regards
Kapil Mishra
General Secretary
Youth for Justice
Ph. – 91-11-9818066041
We are a New Delhi based Youth Action group “Youth for Justice” working with urban youth on issues related to Environment, Agriculture and various other spontaneous issues that need cognizance.
We are writing this letter to congratulate you and thank you for taking right stand on issues of encroachment on riverbed in the name of Commonwealth Games.
You statement in “Dainik Bhasker” national edition dated 6th June 2009, has sent a right message to the people who are concerned about various threats to our natural resources and environment and it has definitely boosted morale of groups and organizations that are struggling for the right cause.
Since August 2007, we have been raising these issues of illegal construction on Yamuna river bed in the name of games village, in fact we have organized a series of discussions, joint marches, candle light vigils etc. to raise public awareness on the issue. But some individuals in authority were keen on going ahead with the project despite clear the realization of the mistake done in choosing the venue and type of structure.
We have information on how this construction violets direction given by Honorable High Court and how it was allowed without required clearance from various authorities. This construction is also completely against the promise that we have made to international community while bidding for the Games.
We do understand that it is almost impossible to stop the construction or change the venue at this point in time but request you that those who are responsible for deliberately violating the norms should be brought to justice.
You have assumed the responsibility of this office at very critical stage, as a nation we are going through a phase of transition and large scale constructions and mega projects are order of the day. While such developmental projects are need of the hour at the same time we need to ensure that these projects do follow required norms and guidelines so that our environment and natural resources should be conserved.
We also seek an appointment with you so that we can share the information that we have on irregularities and violation of promises made by authorities while bringing the games to Delhi.
You have a great role to play and nation especially those who are concerned about our common future are looking at you.
Again we would like to thank you.
Looking forward to your response
Thanks and Regards
Kapil Mishra
General Secretary
Youth for Justice
Ph. – 91-11-9818066041