Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Details of 26th  January 2010 Get Together
Possible Action Programs and Coordinators
1. Campaign for Judicial Reforms- Vipul and Abhijit
a. Vipul to study and collect facts- Abhijit to help him
b. Vipul to mobilize support from other students
c. Next meeting on sunday 31st Jan. 2010 at 6 pm
d. Memorandums to be prepared and presented to authorities 
2. Implementation of UGC guidelines
a. Ramanand to coordinate and collect facts on the same
b. Ramanand to make a presentation to the group after finalizing the plan
3. Hemraj suggested action for homeless people in the city- group to decide on it
a. Hemraj will carryout a study on the same
4. Ankita discussed possibility of working on equitable developmental approach and targeting factors causing the migration, after debate on the same, it is decided that the issues is relevant and group will identify areas of possible interventions after studying the feasibility of the same.
5. Ramanand is Coordinator of YFJ-RTI Cell, Sumit will help him
6. Position paper on Commonwealth Games to be released on 3rd march through press conference
7. Position paper to include- introduction of CWG, Facts, our stand and action plan
8. Objectives of the campaign on CWG:
a. Promote sports rather than sporting events
b. spreading awareness about basic facts and history related to CWG
c. ecological cost, economical cost
d. to fix accountability and seek justification