Shunglu Committee Report and inaction by Manmohan
It’s Common v/s Wealth
The high level committee constituted to probe the loot in the name of commonwealth games 2010 has submitted its second interim report. This committee was formed by the government under huge social and political pressure on the issue of vulgar exploitation of common resources and open loot of common man that the country has witnessed last year.
Commonwealth Games have become symbol of corruption in the country.
The Shunglu Committee formed by government that is termed as High Level Committee but in fact this committee was never provided with any power to probe the large scale corruption that has shocked the nation. The committee did not had power to summon officials and ministers or to ask for files and documents. Further Committee can not even prosecute or register cases against those who are found guilty.
But the scale of corruption was so visible that even without any real power or authority, this committee could easily find that all possible rules and laws are broken in organization of CWG 2010.
This committee had submitted its first report in January on host broadcasting, the report was immediately made public and is available on the website of the committee. Central government then asked the central bureau of investigation (CBI) to file criminal cases against those who were named in the report. Head of National television Doordarshan had to go after this.
But the scenario is different now, Shunglu committee has submitted its second report and clearly names Delhi Chief Minister and Lt. Governor for the financial losses. Prime Minister has asked not to make the report public and all government agencies are now actively working to cover up. This inaction raises very serious concerns.
Prime Minister had promised the nation that within 100 days of CWG 2010, the criminals of this open loot will be punished, the deadline is never met, all culprits of CWG loot are not only out in the public but also enjoying all benefits of the positions using which they exploited the nation. Be it Delhi CM Shiela Dixit or LG Tejinder Khanna, be it organizing committee head Suresh Kalmadi or Central government minister Jaipal Reddy or even DDA officials, all are smiling at the fortunes that they have looted in the name of games.
Only a few babus are arrested by CBI who could never do anything without clear directions from their bosses. Suresh Kalmadi is openly saying that if he is arrested he will name everyone who was involved, he is also telling that he dealt with only 5% of the total money that was looted and major loot was done by Delhi govt and other central government agencies.
A lot of water has flown down river yamuna since October last year, with Shiela still serving as Delhi CM, most evidences must have been destroyed by now.
This interim report by Shunglu committee should be taken seriously and Delhi Government should be sacked.
While nation need a Jan Lokbal bill that can prevent such corruption and loot in the future, CWG2010 looters should not be spared.
Time for Shiela to go.